Dan and Nick give each other one present early: a new yuletide Projexploitaiton episode! Listen for a very Christmassy discussion of the superb French thriller 3615 code Père Noël (aka Deadly Games, or Dial Code Santa Claus, and many more names…)
00:00:00 / Intro (“Auguries Of Innocence” by William Blake, read by Spencer Parks)
00:02:11 / Theme Song
00:03:30 / Episode Start
00:06:16 / Film discussion: 3615 code Père Noël (1989)
01:02:20 / Intermission
01:04:04 / Film discussion continues
02:10:27 / Segment: The A-List
Crucial thanks to Spencer Parks for providing the wonderful & winning spoken performance of William Blake’s immortal “Auguries Of Innocence”. He also has 2 weirdly addictive podcasts that are well worth your attention: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-dictionary https://www.stitcher.com/show/when-im-high
Spencer is also the producer of the show “Whores Talk Horror”, in which Sharon (not a whore) & Mindy (also not a whore) discuss new & classic horror films as well as urban legends, ghost stories, horror-themed Americana, etc: https://www.stitcher.com/show/whores-talk-horror
Spencer (& his lovely & amazing wife Sharon) are also also in the midst of producing the film “Unplugged: A Survivor’s Story”, based upon Paul McComas’ novel: https://linktr.ee/unpluggedfilm Point is, people, Spencer is involved in a cornucopia of awesome stuff.
For more information on the annual & much beloved “Christmas Carol” that The Riverfront Playhouse puts on, click here: https://www.riverfrontplayhouse.com/ To listen to “Old Guys Who Love Things”, featuring firebreather extraordinaire Shawn Dooley (& his worthy & clinquant co-host Eric Peter Schwartz), click here: https://www.stitcher.com/show/old-guys-who-love-things
To read more about “36.15 Code Père Noël” & other spine-tingling Christmas-tinged horror cinema, check out Spectacular Optical’s brilliant book “Yuletide Terror” here: http://www.spectacularoptical.ca/store/product/yuletide-terror-christmas-horror-on-film-and-television-2/
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